Hello and welcome to my new blog! After all the fun I had writing about the happenings in Spain, I decided that I couldn’t stop and I had to find another outlet to write about. They say that you should write about what you know so that’s what I intend to do!
Since my last blog I have made it back safely to New Mexico and after a week at my parents’ house, I am back in Albuquerque. This past week has been filled with job hunting, wine drinking and friend bonding. This new blog will be about all my adventures trying to find a job (hopefully that won’t last long and I’ll find one soon) and all about the new goals I’m setting for myself.
I’ll also post things that motivate me and inspire me to be a better person.
Ciao bellas!
Good luck with the new blog Ashley! I am looking forward to reading about your new and exciting adventures in New Mexico!